CTLI’s Faculty Development Program is dedicated to enhancing the skills and teaching capacity of current and aspiring educators, mentors, and leaders through focused executive training courses in Pedagogy, Mentorship, and Residents as Teachers and Learning.

Pedagogy Training - Pay by installments

Are you currently in the classroom and looking to enhance your teaching skills or considering a path to teacher’s college? Pay in three installments: $40 / $30 / $30

From: $0

Pedagogy Training - Pay in Full

Are you currently in the classroom and looking to enhance your teaching skills or considering a path to teacher’s college? Pay in Full: $100


Payment Confirmation Instructions


Individuals making payments through the Lonestar Cell MTN Mobile Money system via USSD, should share a screenshot of the payment confirmation or call the number below once the payment has been sent. 

When making a payment through debt or credit card, please share the payment receipt once the payment has been successfully confirmed and when making a payment through bank deposit, please share a screenshot of the deposit slip as proof of payment.

For verification contact: +231777936033 | +231886591909

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